
Fresh grad & Job seeking

Here comes the Fresh grad problems.

Job seeking!

As we know, its a really big problem for most fresh grads, except for the ones who got offers from big companies before they graduate.

I would like to share my own experience.
As we all know, everyone hopes to gethigh paid jobs after getting a bachhelor degree. In fact, I thought I should have got some 12-14k HKD jobs. But the truth is, it is very hard to get such jobs if you are not having any experiences or connections. I tried to send out resumes as much as possible, yet theres only one reply from a local newspaper company could offer me a job for 10k.

Well, I rejected, I rather go to another company, which might be smaller, but they offer me lots of trainings.

Trainings are very very important to fresh grads. To be honest, most companies in Hong Kong doesn't pay much attention on trainings, they expect fresh grads like us to be immediate workforce. That's not making any sense! Trainings is what you can learn from the company, and be prepared for your future jobs (lets just say you might not be planning to work in ONE company for your whole life)

Another thing I would like to mention is Connection.

As I said above, companies expect fresh grads to be immediate workforce, so the expectation is getting higher like, you have to get 2-3 years experience for this job etc.

So one tip for fresh grads, don't reject any offers if they are giving you trainings even they don't pay really high salary,  you will see that this very first Full-time job will change your path to the future brighter ways.